Project Management Group Limited

About Us

Panama Canal WideningProject Management Group is based in Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies and it provides a wide range of professional services on Building, Civil Engineering, Petro-Chemical, Electricity, Water, Hospital and Healthcare Projects.

Services we provide include Project Management, Contract Consultancy Services, Quantity Surveying, Final Account preparation, preparation of Claims for Extension of Time for Completion and Additional Payment, Dispute Adjudication, Mediation and Arbitration.

In addition to Project Management and Construction Management, we specialise in the preparation of claims and resolution of contractual claims and in settlement of disputes either by Amicable Negotiation, Mediation or Arbitration.gement services, we specialise in the preparation and resolution of contractual claims and in settlement of disputes either by Amicable Negotiation, Mediation or Arbitration.

The company was established in 1991 and has been involved in many of the largest projects in the region and details of some of these can be found elsewhere on this website.

We also provide Technical Computer Services including Website hosting, Domain Name registration, Corporate email services and Database design.

Peter Morris

Curriculum Vitae - CV

Peter Morris


Qualifications: Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Fellow of the Institute of Highways and Transportation Member Institution of Surveyors of Trinidad & Tobago.
Memberships etc: Sustaining Member of FIDIC for Trinidad & Tobago President of FIDIC’s List of Approved Adjudicators Member of the Society of Construction Law Member Dispute Resolution Board Foundation.


Since 1990 I have been based in Port of Spain Trinidad, West Indies, as Managing Director of Project Management Group Limited undertaking contracts of various types and providing Clients with the following services:

  • FIDIC and Other Contract Consultancy Advice
  • Project Management
  • Quantity Surveying and Cost Planning
  • Project overview Watchdog Role
  • Dispute Resolution, Mediation and Arbitration
  • Appearance as Expert Witness
  • Development of Computer Technology for Construction
  • Presentation of Training Seminars
  • Provision of Internet Services to Commercial Companies


1964 - 1970: Trainee Quantity Surveyor with Richard Costain Limited
1969: Qualified as an Associate of the Institute of Quantity Surveyors
1970 - 1974: Quantity Surveyor with Wakeman Trower and Partners
1970: Admitted as an Associate of the Institute of Arbitrators.
1974 - 1976: Quantity Surveyor with E.C.Harris and Partners
1976 - 1977: Senior Quantity Surveyor with Dearle and Henderson
1977 - 1978: Chief Quantity Surveyor for Husband & Co / Mott MacDonald
1978 - 1980: Self employed trading as Peter Morris & Associates.
1980 - 1987: Partner of Morris Walder Partnership.
1982: Admitted as a Fellow of the Institute of Quantity Surveyors.
1983: Attended Residential Course in Arbitration at Liverpool University.
1983: Admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
1987 - 1990: Director of W.T.Partnership managing projects in Central London
1990 to date: Self employed trading as Project Management Group Limited
2002: Appointed as Director of RICS Americas Accreditation Board
2004 Added to Trinidad & Tobago Chamber List of Mediators & Arbitrators
2005 Member Society of Construction Law
2005 Admitted as Member Dispute Resolution Board Foundation
2006 Added to the FIDIC President’s List of Approved Adjudicators
2007 Member RICS Americas Education & Standards Board
2008 Member RICS Fellowship Assessment Panel
2010 Corporate Panel Member of the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation
2011 Appointed Board Member of RICS Americas – Caribbean Division


I list below information about some projects on which I have worked over the years, starting with projects undertaken most recently:

Camp Perrin to Jeremie - Highway Rehabilitation, Haiti:

Providing financial and contractual advice in connection with the construction of a highway through very mountainous terrain in South West Haiti that has encountered serious property expropriation and environmental problems.

Overall Project Value – US$150 million.

Sir Solomon Hoychoy Highway Extension to Point Fortin:

Appointed by the Brazillian Main Contractor – Construtora OAS Limited – to train staff on the FIDIC yellow book form of contract and to provide contract advice and consultancy including preparation of claims for delay and disruption to the Works.

The Project is for the construction of a new Highway and associated road network in South Trinidad in 4 phases that are due for completion in March 2015, but currently in significant delay.

Original Contract Value – TT$5,200 million.

Relocation of the Trinidad & Tobago Parliament:

Provision of contract advice in connection with re-location of the Trinidad & Tobago Parliament to the Waterfront Building adjacent to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port of Spain.

Overall Project Value – TT$60 million.

Phoenix Park Valve LNG Station:

Provision of dispute resolution, contract advice and arbitration services in connection with the expansion of a liquid natural gas valve station being constructed by a local contractor for the National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago.

A major dispute concerning the failure of the Engineer to award adequate extensions of time for completion of the works and his refusal to certify any additional payment to the Contractor has now been referred to Arbitration. We are acting as Case Manager for the Contractor.

Overall Project Value – TT$140 million.

Port of Spain Port Re-location Project:

Case management and Mediation of a dispute between the foreign design consultants and the Urban Development Company of Trinidad & Tobago arising from the cancellation of a project to re-locate the Port of Port of Spain to an alternative location.

Overall Project Value – US$5.3 million.

TGU 720 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant:

Provision of contract / dispute resolution advice in connection with the construction of a major new Power Plant at La Brea in Trinidad currently under construction – due for completion in December 2012. We handled the referral to the Dispute Adjudication Board of a significant dispute that was settled in favour of the contractor by whom we are engaged.

Overall Project Value - US$850 million.

Marriott Hotel, Hastings, Barbados:

Appointed by Employer and Contractor as the Dispute Adjudication Board to settle or determine disputes arising under the Main Contract – based on the FIDIC 1999 Red Book.

To date the Parties have made 6 referrals of issues for my consideration and my decision concerning the first 5 referrals have been published and accepted.

Shipping Dispute Arbitration:

Appointed as one of 2 Arbitrators in a dispute concerning the possible reach of a maritime charter agreement for provision of a tug and barges for transportation of materials around the Caribbean. The Arbitration process is nearing completion and a Final Award will be published in the next few months after final submissions by both Parties.

Amount in dispute – approximately US$800,000.00

NHT/CCR Performer Complex:

Provision of contract / litigation advice in connection with the De-scoping and subsequent Termination of 3 Sub-contracts awarded to Carillion Caribbean Limited and preparation of numerous claims for extension of time for completion and reimbursement of additional cost.

Total Amount in Dispute approximately TT$240 million

The Renaissance at Shorelands

Review of significant construction Issues on a major High-Rise Residential Development near Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Providing advice on how to address the problems identified so that the Project can be successfully completed as soon as possible and without any additional unnecessary additional cost. Various options have been proposed that are currently being considered by the Development Company.

Case Manager for a dispute with a major sub-contractor that has been referred to Arbitration.

Overall Project Value – TT$700 million approximately.

St. Augustine Senior Comprehensive School:

Consultancy services in connection with claims for extension of time and reimbursement of additional cost and related contractual issues on a new Senior Comprehensive School at St. Augustine, Trinidad, West Indies.

Overall Project Value TT$150 million approximately.

Royal Bank of Canada / RBTT Bank Limited – Trinidad Head Office:

Commissioned to review Project documentation and to assist in negotiation of the Final Account and Claims for this prestigious development in central Port of Spain.

Due to extensive delays in execution of the works a serious dispute arose between the Employer and the Main Contractor that we are attempting to resolve.

Overall Project Value – TT$135 million

New Petrotrin Corporate Headquarters Building:

Providing advice and assistance with the preparation, negotiation and settlement of claims arising as a result of delays and inadequate funding.

Dealing with Termination of the Contract by the Employer.

One Woodbrook Place Development:

Commissioned to prepare a detailed report on this development comprising 3 high rise Tower blocks with residential apartments, a commercial and shopping centre with a substantial two tier underground car park. The review indicated the Project feasibility study was incorrect and we recommended substantial changes in management of the Project to enable the Development to be completed without further undue delay.

Subsequently appointed as Client Representative/Watchdog to implement recommended changes and the Project was restructured and senior site management replaced. Works on site were accelerated and subsequently the Works have been progressing in accordance with an accelerated critical path programme and within the agreed budget.

Overall Development Cost approximately TT$1,900 million.

Hibiscus Apartments:

In June 2008 we were commissioned to assist in completion of this residential apartment development that had been under construction for several years and which had effectively stalled. Work on site was progressing very slowly and the cost of the Project had far exceeded the original budget.

The Project programme was revised and updated, the Project costs were reviewed and re-negotiated and all necessary actions taken to get the Development back on track.

The development has been completed ready for occupation at a cost of TT$31 million.

Couva West Secondary School:

Providing ongoing advice and assistance to the Main Contractor on all Contract and Financial Issues for the construction of a new School valued at TT$174 million, preparation and negotiation of interim claims for extension of time and reimbursement of additional cost. Various disputes have arisen that have been referred to the Dispute Adjudication Board. We are acting as Case Manager for the Contractor

Case Manager dealing with the possible appointment of a DAB.

Barataria North Secondary School:

Providing ongoing advice and assistance to the Main Contractor on all Contract and Financial Issues for the construction of a new School valued at TT$150 million, preparation and negotiation of interim claims for extension of time and reimbursement of additional cost.

Case Manager dealing with the possible appointment of a DAB.

Pleasantville Senior Comprehensive School:

Providing ongoing advice and assistance to the Main Contractor on all Contract and Financial Issues for the construction of a new School valued at TT$110 million, preparation and negotiation of interim claims for extension of time and reimbursement of additional cost.

Case Manager dealing with the possible appointment of a DAB.

Greenvale Housing Developments:

Providing ongoing advice and assistance to the Main Contractor on all Contract and Financial Issues for the construction of new Government Housing Projects valued at TT$250 million, preparation and negotiation of interim claims for extension of time and reimbursement of additional cost.

Restoration of Queens Royal College:

Preparation and negotiation of extension of time and financial claims for the Main Contractor on a project for complete restoration of an old listed building. Issues to be resolved included valuation of works to existing slate roofs, replacement of copper gutters and lime rendering of existing walls. Contract value TT$30 million.

Government Campus Plaza:

Contract advisor to Main Contractor for the Mechanical Works including negotiation of contract, drafting all contractual correspondence, preparation, submission and negotiation of claims for extension of time and additional payment. Contract Value TT$142 million.

Case Manager dealing with the possible referral of disputes to Arbitration.

Chin Chin Road – Land Development Project:

Preparation of extension of time and financial claims for the Main Contractor on this project for development of residential lots for Caroni workers. Contract value TT$25 million.

New Scarborough Hospital, Tobago:

Addressed a wide range of problems that had arisen on the construction of a new Hospital and Primary Healthcare facility in Tobago. Work involving issues with Procurement, Time Planning, Site Management, Contract documentation, Claims and Arbitration.

This was the first project in Trinidad using the FIDIC 1999 Form of Contract. The disputes were referred to ICC Arbitration and I acted as Case Manager for the Contractor.

Ministry of Public Administration and Information:

Providing post contract consulting services including advice on the proper interpretation of the Conditions of Contract based on the 1999 FIDIC Form.

Tobago Plantations:

Provision of Quantity Surveying services for the construction of luxury villas on the Tobago Plantations Development on the Hilton Hotel Estate at Lowlands in Tobago. Work included placing and management of sub-contracts and settlement of final accounts.

GEM Atlas Methanol Project, Trinidad:

Settlement of disputes and claims on the largest methanol plant ever constructed – at 5,000 metric tons per day. This project was constructed using mainly local sub-contractors with German equipment and was successfully completed in April 2004.

Disputes included conditions of contract, faulty engineering, late completion, delay and disruption. Project included civil works, erection of large mechanical equipment, piping in various materials, valves and electronic controls. The value of the entire project was approximately US$450 million.

Bordelais Prison, St. Lucia:

Evaluation of a dispute between a local Contractor and the National Insurance Property Development Company, including acting as advocate during Mediation proceedings. Work included preparation of critical path network analyses to establish entitlement to extension of time and negotiation of financial claims. Value in dispute EC$12 million.

National Stadium in Grenada:

Case management of a complex arbitration for one of the most well know Caribbean construction companies, including preparation of the Points of Claim, Points of Reply, Taking of Witness Statements, Commissioning Expert Reports and preparing the Final Brief. Value in dispute US$20 million.

UWI Cave Hill Campus Development, Barbados:

Provision of consulting services to resolve the disputes that had arisen on a construction contract for expansion of the University facilities. The dispute was eventually settled by amicable negotiation. Value US$3 million.

The Layou Hotel Project, Dominica:

Provision of consulting services to resolve disputes between the main contractor and the client under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Value US$2 million.

Dispute Resolution Centre:

Past Board Member of the Dispute Resolution Centre operated by the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc. Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and accredited by Mediation Consultants International for mediation work. The first Mediator appointed by the Dispute Resolution Centre of Trinidad and Tobago.

Georgetown - Timehri Main Road, Guyana:

Supervision of Quantity Surveying work on a project to re-construct the main Georgetown to Timehri Airport highway in Guyana. Project includes re-surfacing, highway and shoulder construction, bridge construction and major road diversion works.

Provision of consulting services to try and resolve some very substantial disputes in accordance with the provisions for Adjudication and then taking the case to Arbitration. Value US$15 million.

Newcastle Airport, Nevis:

Supervision and advice on Quantity Surveying matters for the expansion of a small Caribbean airport including lengthening and widening an existing runway and provision of improved airport facilities including a new control tower. Value US$3 million.

Drainage Project, Montego Bay, Jamaica:

Supervision and Quantity Surveying work on a scheme to improve the surface water drainage in Montego Bay, Jamaica by the construction of a large reinforced concrete multi-cell culvert on piled foundations

Advice and professional input to claims for extension of time and reimbursement of loss and expense. Claims Manager for ICC Arbitration – although matters were eventually resolved by amicable negotiation. Value US$10 million.

New Amsterdam Water Works, Guyana:

Supervision of Quantity Surveying work on a project to construct a new Water Treatment Works at New Amsterdam in Guyana, including the installation of new mains pipework, pumps, control valves, water towers and all associated works. Value US$3 million.

Island Main Road, St. Kitts:

Preparation and agreement of a measured Final Account for the rehabilitation of a large part of the road network in St. Kitts and for evaluation of the claims for extension of time and recovery of consequential loss and expense. Consulting services to pursue claims by Arbitration with an Arbitrator appointed by the Secretary General of Caricom under the ICC rules of Arbitration and Concilliation. Value US$3 million.

Rural Access Roads & Bridges, Trinidad:

Supervisory consultancy in joint-venture with Mott MacDonald for the IADB funded Rural Access Roads and Bridges programme to construct 150Km of new roads and 30 new bridges in Trinidad and Tobago. In addition to review of project designs and supervision of the post contract works, the contract included establishment of a fully computerised Road Maintenance Management System. 5 Year project.

Futuro Model Jungle Lodge, Manaus, Brazil:

Assisted in location of suitable construction site working in connection with Architects from the USA, prepared construction cost estimates and procurement plans and worked with developers to source funding for project construction.

Restructuring the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago:

Working as sub-consultants to Price Waterhouse we were responsible for the preparation of an overall asset listing and for establishing accurate values of the assets in four different ways. We developed a multi-user pictorial relational database which provided comprehensive search capabilities and which included a full colour photograph of each item as well as procedures automatically calculating depreciation etc.

Chancery Lane, San Fernando, Trinidad:

Detailed Cost Planning and subsequent preparation of a Detailed Elemental Estimate of Construction Cost for the proposed new Government Offices, Library and Commercial Complex as part of a consortium with Colonial Life Investment Company, NH International/Emile Elias Joint Venture and Colin Laird Architects.

Geddes Grant Huggins HQ Office Complex, Trinidad:

Project management and cost control of this new corporate headquarters building and warehouse complex at Macoya. The project included demolition, renovation and new construction and was completed on time and within the agreed budget.

Courts Megastore Trinidad:

This project involved the preparation of a feasibility study, selection and purchase of a suitable site followed by the design and construction of a Superstore and Warehouse complex on a five acre site on the outskirts of Port of Spain, Trinidad. The project has a total value of $17 million and the works have been completed on time and within budget.

Airport Catering Facility, Gatwick, Sussex, UK:

Project planning and quantity surveying on a new in-flight catering facility at Gatwick Airport for Lynton Plc, the property arm of British Airports Authority. The project was completed on time and within budget.

Data General Tower, Brentford, Middlesex, UK:

Project management and quantity surveying for CrownGap Developments constructing 120,000 sq. ft of new fully air-conditioned office accommodation as UK headquarters for Data General Corporation. The project construction cost was approx. £18 million and the project was completed on time and within budget.

South Quay Plaza Phase III, Docklands, UK:

Watchdog role on this high quality 14 storey office development valued at £21 million for the Japanese funding institution. Agreement of target cost, interim payments and final construction cost were part of the brief.

Broadway Shopping Centre, Maidenhead, UK:

Quantity surveying for County & District Properties, the property arm of Richard Costain Limited, for the extension and improvement of the main shopping mall at Maidenhead. Preparation of contract documentation, programming design work, negotiation of the contract price, agreement of interim valuations and the final account were all undertaken.

Dualling of the Princess Margaret Highway, Trinidad:

Engaged by Taylor Woodrow International to sort out major contractual mess with local roadworks contractor on this major project. At the time of appointment the works on site had virtually stopped, losses being incurred by the contractors were enormous and legal action was pending.

With a small team of surveyors we sorted out most of the contractual and financial problems in conjunction with the Development Finance Company of Trinidad & Tobago so as to allow the works to be completed.

Amount in dispute TT$150 million.

Other Hotel Projects:

  • Quantity Surveying on the Cable Beach Hotel, Nassau Bahamas.
  • Quantity Surveying on the Airport Hotel, Gatwick, UK.
  • Quantity Surveying on the Post House Hotel, Gatwick, UK.
  • Quantity Surveying on Extension of Tamarind Cove Hotel, Barbados.
  • Quantity Surveying on Pemberton Hotel, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
  • Planning and cost estimating on refurbishment of CoCo Reef Hotel, Tobago.
  • Proposed new Business Hotel and Conference Centre, Trinidad.

Other Marine Projects:

  • Newhaven Yacht Marina, Sussex, England.
  • Proposed Yacht Marina, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • Numerous Bridges and Locks mainlly for British Waterways Board throughout the U.K.
  • Extension to Poole Harbour, Dorset, England.
  • Town Quay Development, Southampton, England.

Other Caribbean Project:

  • Grell Taurel new Head Offices and Distribution Centre, Trinidad.
  • Coastal Erosion repair works, Crown Point, Tobago.
  • Pre-planning on proposed new Government Offices in Castries, St. Lucia.
  • Quantity Surveying on Beef Island Bridge, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
  • Quantity Surveying on Republic Bank premises at Point-a-Pierre, Trinidad.
  • Pre-contract planning on Eco-Spa resort in Cuba for Investor/Developer.


Each year PMG in involved in the production and presentation of seminars for advanced professional development – recent seminars include:

  • 2003 – Application and Use of Microsoft Project for Construction Work
  • 2004 – Meeting The Challenge – a seminar about the use of FIDIC Contracts
  • 2005 – Seminar on application and use of the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2006 – Seminar on Notices and Claims under the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2007 – 2 Seminars on Practical Application of the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2008 – 4 Seminars on Practical Application of the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2009 – 5 Seminars on Practical Application of the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2010 – 3 Seminars on Practical Application of the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2011 – 4 Seminars on Practical Application of the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2012 – 2 Seminars on Practical Application of the FIDIC Contract - 1999 Edition
  • 2013 – Speaker on Dispute Resolution at an RICS Americas / IPTI Conference in Trinidad


Computers: Very experienced in the use of Computers generally both for technical work, project management - sat on the QS Information Technology Committee at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors from 1988 to 1990.

Experienced in the preparation of computer generated company accounts and established a system to generate accurate job costs based on time sheets completed by the technical staff.

Expert in the installation of Intranet Systems, including e-mail and intranet web servers, on-line databases and push technologies. Principal speaker at the Intranet seminar at the NABEX computer exhibition in Trinidad in 1997.

Languages: English
Some French
Hobbies: Yachting – offshore racing
Three times overall winner of Grenada Sailing Festival
Competed in the notorious 1979 Fastnet Race
Motor-sports – special stage rallying
Factory driver for Peugeot Talbot in early 1980s
Competed in 1982 Monte Carlo Rally
AC Cobra